

We provide the following delivery options for most of the items we sell:

  1. Complimentary Standard Shipping for purchases exceeding $75. This option processes within 1-2 business days and arrives within an additional 3-7 business days.

  2. Standard Shipping at a flat rate of $7.99. Orders are processed within 1-2 business days and delivered within an additional 2-6 business days.

  3. Expedited Shipping available for $12.99. Orders process in 1 business day and arrive within an additional 1-5 business days.

There are some additional items that require additional shipping costs due to their size, those items will be noted on the listing.

We do not offer international shipping at this time.

If your order does not arrive within the designated timeframe, experience suggests that it is typically due to one of two scenarios: 1) The package was received by someone else in the household, or 2) The postal service, particularly during peak periods, may mark an item as delivered before it actually arrives. We recommend waiting one more day past the date it says delivered, if that is an option for you. If not, please don't hesitate to contact us so we can resolve the issue promptly.